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Quantum Mechanics 5:9 Quantum Mechanics 6:9 »

Quantum Mechanics

Schrödinger and Wave Mechanics


Schrödinger set out to develop an alternate formulation of quantum mechanics based on matter waves, à la de Broglie. At 36, he was somewhat older than his contemporaries but still succeeded in deriving the now famous 'Schrödinger Wave Equation.' The solution of the equation is known as a wave function and describes the behavior of a quantum mechanical object, like an electron.

At first, it was unclear what the wave function actually represented. How was the wave function related to the electron? At first, Schrödinger said that the wave function represented a 'shadow wave' which somehow described the position of the electron. Then he changed his mind and said that it described the electric charge density of the electron. He struggled to interpret his new work until Max Born came to his rescue and suggested that the wave function represented a probability – more precisely, the square of the absolute magnitude of the wavefunction is proportional to the probability that the electron appears in a particular position. So, Schrödinger's theory gave no exact answers… just the chance for something to happen. Even identical measurements on the same system would not necessarily yield the same results! Born's key role in deciphering the meaning of the theory won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954.


Related Laureates

 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933 - Erwin Schrödinger »  The Nobel Prize in Physics 1954 - Max Born »  

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