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 Observing the World of Particles
The Nuclear Emulsion 2:2 The Bubble Chamber 1:5 »

The Nuclear Emulsion

For Short Lived Particles

    The emulsion was a standard tool to study particles in the 1950s and 60s. The bubble chamber took over from about 1960. However, the unique spatial resolution of the emulsion is still used to study very short lived particles that decay after traversing just a few microns.

The tracks show the paths of charged particles in the nuclear emulsion. The incident particle – called  at the time – comes to rest at the point P and disintegrates into three  -mesons, labelled a, b and c. One of the  -mesons (a) makes an interaction in the emulsion. The mass of the so called -particle was determined to 970 electron masses. This particle was later identified as the charged K-meson.


Related Laureate

 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1950 - Cecil Frank Powell  »    

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