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 Observing the World of Particles
The Cloud Chamber 3:3 The Nuclear Emulsion 1:2  »

The Cloud Chamber

Further Discoveries with the Cloud Chamber

A shower of particles entering the cloud chamber at the top. In the middle of the chamber is a 3 cm lead plate in which more particles are produced. On the right below the plate is a forked track, representing a spontaneous decay of what is today called a K-meson, containing a strange quark.


The first evidence for strange particles, particles containing a strange quark, came from the study of cloud chamber photographs. The chamber was moved to high altitude mountains where the flux of cosmic ray protons, that can create new particles in interactions, is much higher than at ground. Patrick Blackett received the 1948 Nobel Prize for his works using the cloud chamber to study nuclear reactions and cosmic rays. With this chamber it was also possible to study electromagnetic showers and properties of nuclear reactions.


Related Laureate

 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1948 - Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett »    

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