setTitle('Semiconductors'); ?> setMetaKeywords('Physics, Semiconductors, Solid State Physics, Doping, N-doping, P-doping, Silicon, Germanium, Transistors, William Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, Jack Kilby, Nobel, Prize, Laureate, Robert Noyce, Chip, Integrated Circuit, Conduction, Band Gap, Band, Bands, Shell, Energy, Valence, Atomic Structure, Electron-Hole, Hole, Extrinsic, Intrinsic'); ?> setMetaDescription(', Official web site of the Nobel Foundation'); ?> setCssIncludes('++/css/bare.css'); ?> printHeader('top_bare.php'); ?>

Since then semiconductor devices have evolved tremendously. Today transistors are extremely small and come packed in millions onto tiny Silicon chips called integrated circuits. The integrated circuit was invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. This invention is essential for digital technologies like computers, mobile phones, CDs, mp3s or DVDs. The list could be made almost infinite. For instance, without semiconductor technology there would be no Internet, so you would not be able to read this text.


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