setTitle('Semiconductors'); ?> setMetaKeywords('Physics, Semiconductors, Solid State Physics, Doping, N-doping, P-doping, Silicon, Germanium, Transistors, William Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, Jack Kilby, Nobel, Prize, Laureate, Robert Noyce, Chip, Integrated Circuit, Conduction, Band Gap, Band, Bands, Shell, Energy, Valence, Atomic Structure, Electron-Hole, Hole, Extrinsic, Intrinsic'); ?> setMetaDescription(', Official web site of the Nobel Foundation'); ?> setCssIncludes('++/css/bare.css'); ?> printHeader('top_bare.php'); ?>
  Shells and Energy Levels

We can think of the atom and its shells as a cup that we fill with water (electrons). If you pour water into a cup it will fill from the bottom up and not from the top down. The water surface in the cup corresponds to the valence shell in the atom.


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