setTitle('The Ear Pages - About'); ?> printHeader(); ?> getEduFlash('0x323232','0xFFFFFF','ear_banner.swf',1); ?>

The Ear Pages - About

The Ear Pages, consisting of readings, animations and quizes, is based on the 1961 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was awarded for the discovery of how sound is analyzed and communicated in the cochlea in the inner ear.


First published: February 2006
Estimated play time: 15 min.
Plug in requirements: Flash 7  »
Sound: Yes
High score: Yes
Credits  »

The Ear Pages

- What is sound?
- How do we hear?
- What functions do the components of the inner ear have?
- How does the cochlea in the inner ear work?
- How many people suffer from hearing disorders worldwide? And what kind of hearing disorders can people have?
- Who was Georg von Békésy, and how did his research help us to understand the hearing process?

To discover the answers to all these questions, explore "The Ear Pages" and collect the snail shaped symbols of the cochlea to gain chances to answer a question correct in the quiz! (The cochlea works as a frequency/pitch analyzer in the inner ear.) You can choose between three levels of quizes – beginner, advanced and expert. If you manage to get all the answers correct you will appear on the "Highscore of the week" list!

For instructions on how to play the game, click on the HELP button found at the bottom of the game window.

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