setTitle('DNA-RNA-Protein'); ?> setCssIncludes('++/educational/css/edu_game_window.css,/educational/medicine/dna/css/game.css'); ?> printHeader('top_edu_games.php'); ?> printHeader('top_edu_games.php'); ?>
ChromatinThe DNA double helix in the
cell is packaged by special proteins called histones
to form a protein/DNA complex called chromatin. The
structural unit of
chromatin is the
nucleosome. It consists of a central protein complex,
histone octamer,
and two turns of DNA, about 146 base pairs, which are
wrapped around the
histone octamer
complex. There are four different types of core
histones which form the octamer containing two copies
each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4.